The Pioneer of Open Data World

Aralia’s mission is to revolutionize the current state of closed data environment, by removing the redundant constraints and allowing it to flow and share independently. We will leverage innovative technologies to establish an open data ecosystem, adhering to the principles of collaborative construction, sharing, and protecting data ownership. Everyone can participate in shaping the future of data. This is not just a product but a revolution movement in the world of data.

The Eureka Moment

The Closed Data Conundrum

Today’s data is live and ubiquitous, hence prompting us to ask: Is there a better way to handle data? Today, nearly 99.999% of data processing occurs within closed private platforms. However, this closed approach inhibits the fluidity of data and deprives them from potential value augmentation. Data is confined within specific platforms, limiting its potential relevance with other datasets. While some may deem this approach normal, in reality, it merely aggregates data for defined analysis, in a closed data environment. Such an environment restricts the upside potential of data.

Data Ownership

In a closed data environment, one often faces challenges with data ownership. Especially during the sharing and exchanging data, the ownership of data becomes blurred, making it difficult to determine who owns the data. Consequently, it is difficult to effectively protect one’s data. This hampers the data owner’s motivation to share and prevents the positive development of data trading markets.  It is Aralia’s intention to find a way to ensure that data owners can effectively protect their data. This will not only support data transactions but also ensure that data can flow and be shared with integrity.

Unleashing Data Trade

The ubiquity of IoT technology distributes the computational power of data everywhere! In the world of open data, data trading should be limitless. While data trading has gained traction in recent years, a global open data trading platform is still missing. Existing mechanisms are mostly limited to specific regions due to the lack of a global standard. Aralia aims to address this challenge by offering an open, organic and sustainable global data ecosystem. Whether you’re a large enterprise or an individual developer, Aralia provides a convenient and secure space for you to analyze your own data, and facilitates channels for you to share with and access third-party data, all in efforts to maximize your data value and fostering innovation worldwide.

Patented Technology for Democratizing Data

Aralia is committed to making data accessible for everyone. We’ve introduced patented technology that enables data analysis without the need for programming skills. Everyone should be able to provide, utilize and unlock data’s infinite potential. This means you don’t have to be a technical expert to analyze data. Furthermore, research results and landmarks can be shared to spawn the social effect on data analysis . This technology not only breaks down the barriers of data analysis that is previously limited to professionals only, but also makes analysis widespread, enabling more people to benefit from data.

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